Peter-Paul Verbeek - The Philosophy of Technology: Robotics [Podcast]

我的导师 Peter-Paul Verbeek 从荷兰技术哲学的角度讨论 AI 与机器人的发展,及其与人类社会的关系。因为墙的问题,特别从国外音频平台 SoundCloud 搬运至此,以飨读者。

What is the philosophy of robotics technology? Can capitalism and socialism integrate for making sure the robots are not going to lead to social inequality? Very intriguing and thoughtful discussion with Prof. Peter-Paul Verbeek, The chairman of UNESCO’s World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology, The philosopher of technology, chair of the philosophy department at the University of Twente. Prof. Peter-Paul was one of the 18 members of this worldwide network of experts studying ethical issues related to science and technology. In this episode, we discussed the philosophy of robotics technology and ethical considerations for shaping the technology and how we can decrease social inequality while enhancing technology and more.


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